Dr Bernard Walton is an award-winning TV Executive Producer, director, writer, filmmaker and photographer who runs his own television production company in Bristol England called Aqua Vita Films. Previously he was in the BBC for over 21 years primarily in the Natural History Unit creating series for primetime BBC ONE. For over 30 years he has made programmes for the BBC, Channel 5, Animal Planet, National Geographic Channel, Smithsonian Channel, PBS/WNET Nature, and Terra Mater Factual Studios, among many others. He has also helped businesses launch their own online TV channels.

In 2007 Simon Forrest became a partner of Aqua Vita Films bringing yet more knowledge and experience of the TV business to the table. Simon started his media career as a journalist and producer with Scottish Television, then News at Ten and Channel Four News. He later became a Senior Vice President of HIT Entertainment plc before joining Aqua Vita Films. He has been responsible for producing a series for Horse and Country TV with Jonathan Dimbleby called "Farming Matters" and a TV magazine series on the countryside called "Rural Matters". He is currently producing the TV series "Investor Insight" for Hargreaves Lansdown TV (HLTV).

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